Getting Started with Computes

This page will help you get started with Computes. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!

1. Generate Keypair

This keypair will be used to authorize your Computes cluster.

Currently we support RSA keys. A minimum key size of 2048 bits is required for RSA keys.

You may save the keypair wherever you'd like, the examples below provide a convenient default.

openssl genrsa -out ~/.config/computes/license.pem 2048

2. Upload Public Key

Visit to add the public key to your account.


Private Keys are Private

Magic Leap will never ask you for your private key. If you upload your private key to another service, it will no longer be secret.

Here is an example of how to get the public key contents to upload.

openssl rsa -in ~/.config/computes/license.pem -outform PEM -pubout

Copy everything starting with and including -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----, up to and including -----END PUBLIC KEY-----.

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

3. Install IPFS

Download and install IPFS as a private network. Run the IPFS daemon with pubsub enabled.

ipfs daemon --enable-pubsub-experiment --enable-namesys-pubsub

4. Download the latest Computes release

Download the latest computes release.

5. Install Docker (optional)

Install Docker. Computes does not require docker, but we do support running Computes tasks in Docker containers.

6. Create a Whitelist

Using the permissive whitelist is easiest for getting started, but not recommended for production use. Save this JSON as whitelist.json and upload it to IPFS.

  "runners": {
    "bin-json-runner": {
      "manifests": ["*"]
    "docker-json-runner": {
      "manifests": ["*"]
cat whitelist.json | ipfs dag put 
> zdpuB3VESBQjvVmFaCcGWReNGeMzuMHErgmqpmAUAuQzMkjzR

7. Start Computes Daemon

(Please note that all computes-daemons in your cluster must use the same values for these parameters.)

COMPUTES_LICENSE_KEYThe private key you generated in step 1.
COMPUTES_NAMESPACEA random string that prevents collisions in public IPFS. Provide any value you'd like.
COMPUTES_QUEUE_SEEDA random string that seeds the computes queue. This allows all daemons to generate the same IPFS hash to start the queue on.
COMPUTES_WHITELISTA whitelist of authorized binaries and/or docker images.
env \
  COMPUTES_LICENSE_KEY=licence-key \
  COMPUTES_QUEUE_SEED=example-queue \
  computes-daemon run

8. Try running a Task

Check the Simple Task

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